EVENTS  2023

Jana Brabcová-Orlíková

It is sadness in our hearts when we announce that our club member Jana Brabcová-Orlíková died in October 2023. As an art historian, she worked not only at the National Gallery Prague, but also devoted herself in more detail to a number of our leading artists, especially the works of Mikoláš Aleš, Luďek Marold, Alfons Mucha, Max Švabinský, Antonín Slavíček, Vojtěch Preissig, František Kupka and Jan Zrzavý.
She was a member of Soroptimist International club Prague for more than 20 years. We will always remember her energy in running the club and especially passing on her knowledge of art while walking together at the exhibitions of the mentioned artists.
Jana will remain in our memories forever.




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102 00

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